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We are seeking ways to reach and share the gospel within the ever changing neighbourhood, in Bankhead Industrial Estate, Sighthill, Parkhead & the Calders. We are looking to provide contact for the vulnerable, community for the lonely and newcomers, support for the young family, and a place of opportunity and service for those willing to get involved in Christ's mission.
We are in a state of growth and moving towards a union with Slateford / Longstone seeking to become One Garden, Two Trees..
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Monthly Prayers available online
WhatsApp Group post prayer requests and meet in their own homes on Wednesdays at 10.30am.
Wednesdays from 10-11am - Open for prayer in Session room or Sanctuary
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Senior Drop In + 55s
Guiding - Rainbows and Brownies
Tuesday Group
Community Meal
Deeper Christian Life Ministry
Lets Eat Together
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St Nicholas, Sighthill Parish Church is sited, at the west side of Edinburgh, at the junction of Wester Hailes Road and Calder Road, at the heart of three communities: Sighthill, Parkhead and the Calders.
Listed Building - LB52143
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Minister: Rev Dr Thomas Kisitu
Ordained Local Minister: Rev Nikki Kirkland
Session Clerk: John Wallace
Congregational Board Clerk: Heather Seggie
Treasurer: Sarah Hollis
Church Officer: Margaret Weston
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