St Nicholas Sighthill, Parish Church


Bethany Christian Trust
Hits :7084
Bethany is an Edinburgh-based charity which provides a variety of services for homeless and vulnerable people.

Christians in Sport
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Their Mission: Reaching the world of sport for Christ

Church Edit
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This is an example of how the Links Feature works in Church Edit. To add/ delete links, login to your Control Panel and select 'Links'

Church of Scotland
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St Nicholas Parish, Sighthill is part of the national Church of Scotland. This link will take you to its website

Co-Op Funeral Care, Sighthill
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We know how difficult and disorienting it can be when someone you love dies, especially if you’re also organising the funeral. We are here to guide you through the options and costs. You can speak to us at this funeral home, or you can make an appointment for a Funeral Director to come to you.

Community Council
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Murrayburn Primary School, Sighthill Loan, Edinburgh EH11 4NP (until further notice) Sighthill, Broomhouse and Parkhead Community Council, monthly meetings are open to everyone in the community. You are welcome to attend and should you have a specific point you wish to raise, please contact our Chair or Secretary. Any points to be added to the Agenda should be intimated at least one week prior to our meeting date. Meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of every month.

Hits :2462
Mission Statement :-In Christ's name we seek to retain and regain the highest quality of life which each individual is capable of experiencing at any given time.

Hits :1781
CWR- Applying God's word to everyday life and relationships

Edinburgh Presbytery
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St Nicholas Parish, Sighthill is one of the congregations that make up Edinburgh Presbytery. Search this site for other churches in the city

Faith Mission Bookshop
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Faith Mission Bookshops stock a large variety of Christian Books, including Theology, Biographies, Devotional books, Commentaries and Bibles; as well as large selections of Christian music.

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The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action.

Heart & Soul
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To celebrate the life and work of the church, with those who very much keep it strong and vibrant in communities everywhere – the members, volunteers, ministers, and congregations alike!

Iain the Piper
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Iain is a highly experienced Scottish bagpiper available to play at weddings, private parties, Burns night, ceilidhs, funerals and any other functions big or small.

Life and Work
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Life and Work, Church of Scotland magazine

Looking for God
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See what you can discover......At looking for God we can help you on your search for meaning and fulfillment. We want to take you on a journey of discovery. We will start with a message from God, then explain who Jesus is

Messy Church
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It is a way of being church for families involving fun It is found across the world Values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration

Mission Aviation Fellowship
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A dynamic Christian organisation operating more than 130 aircraft in around 25 countries in the developing world. St Nicholas Church supports MAF from time to time.

Murrayburn Primary School
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Murrayburn Primary is in the local community.

Open Doors
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Open Doors is an international ministry serving persecuted Christians and churches worldwide.

Origin Scotland
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Origin Scotland works to deepen the fellowship of Christian believers with God and each other, and to reach out to those outside the Church. Origin is involved in staging Christian events in Scotland, Praise and Worship Events in Edinburgh, Glasgow and around the country. We publish church guides listing Churches in Edinburgh, Glasgow and around Scotland.

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